So, you don’t love your hair? You think those locks aren’t worthy of your love?
Well, maybe if you treat them nicely they will nurture into the mane you always wished you had.
Hair is just like people. Show some love and it will love you back. Like any other part of your body, it needs proper care. While it is true that your gene has a role to play, but proper care of lack of it can be an absolute game changer. Some people have thick and voluminous hair that is badly damaged and dull. Some people have thin and fine hair that is absolutely healthy and shiny. We are gonna say it once again, It is all about care.
No matter the natural texture of hair, you can make it beautiful by investing in the right hair care regimen. Without further ado, let’s hear what our hair expert have say about the secrets of beautiful hair.
1. Be Careful with Heat
If your skin can’t bear excessive heat, why expect such endurance from your hair? The rule number one for proper hair care is to keep your hair safe from all kinds of heat. That includes sunlight as well. Excessive sunlight is just as good for your strands as it is for your skin, which means it isn’t good at all. So, if you want to keep your hair beautiful, here are a few precautions to ensure:
- Use a high quality heat protectant serum before styling with hot tools.
- Cover your head before going out in the sun for too long.
- Invest in high-quality styling tools with temperature and moisture settings.
2. Use Natural Moisturizers
Weather, pollutants, chemicals- these are just a few elements that strip the natural moisture off your scalp and strands. Dry hair is prone to damage. Dry strands become brittle and cause breakage. Dry scalp, on the other hand, is prone to dandruff and itching. Your scalp needs to stay hydrated and moisturized more than your skin. Here is what you can do to ensure soft and moisturized hair.
- Soak your hair in Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for a few hour before shower. There is no alternative to this natural magic moisturizer.
- Never skip conditioner after you shampoo your hair. Go for paraben free products that do not contain sulphate.
3. Detox Your Scalp
Your scalp and hair are exposed to a lot of pollutants and toxins throughout the day. It can be from the environment or from the food we eat. Junk food contains toxins that can impact every part of your body, including your hair follicles. Not to mention all the chemicals contained in styling products and off the shelf shampoos also cause buildup, which gradually damage the strands. So, you need to detoxify your scalp and hair and get rid of all the toxins and pollutants. Here is the best way to go about it.
- Use a high quality detoxifying shampoo at least once a week, more if you use a lot of styling products or leave-in conditioners.
- Cut down on junk food and eat clean and fresh food that is high in antioxidants.
- If you live in an urban area, wash your hair every day.
4. Use Gentle Fabric
If you haven’t considered silk pillow covers and bedsheets, do it now for the sake of your hair. As fancy as this one sounds, silk is the most harmless fabric when it comes to skin and hair care. The rough texture of other fabric such as cotton and linen is abrasive for your tender locks. It can rubs against your hair cuticles and can be a major cause behind split ends. Rough fabric can also result in frizz and breakage. Here are a few tips to follow:
- Silk pillow covers and sheets will help you keep your frizz tamed.
- If you wear scarves, choose silk over cotton or other fabric.
- Wrap a silk handkerchief on the head before wearing woolen hats.
5. Feed Your Follicles
Our diet has a strong connection with our hair. After all, hair is just a part of our body. It needs nutrients for health and growth. Protein is the most important nutrient for hair since it is precisely what hair is made of. Keratin is basically a form of keratin. Other nutrients such as zinc and iron stimulate the follicles and improve hair growth. Remember, healthy follicles will bear healthy hair. Here are a few food ideas for healthy scalp and hair:
- Ensure a diet rich in iron, zinc, protein, and Omega-3.
- Take hair vitamin to supplement the nutritional value.
- Use organic and herbal masks to nourish your follicles.
6. Comb it Right
It is funny that they discovered combs in ancient prehistoric tombs yet many people still don’t know how to use it right. While combing is good for scalp and hair, you have to be very gentle and patient to avoid its harmful effects. Rough combing or brushing will break your hair and make it frizzier. Besides there are different types of combs and brushes for different types of hair and you should find one that is most suitable. Here are a few things you should keep in mind:
- Use wide-toothed comb to avoid snarls, knots, and breakage.
- Always comb the ends first and slowly move upwards.
- Avoid over-brushing, especially if the weather is too dry.
7. Keep It Cool
There is nothing more comforting than coming home to hot steaming shower. That’s where we hit to buzzer. WRONG! Hot showers and baths feel comforting but they are not good for your skin or hair. It strips all the moisture from your scalp and hair, leaving it dry and lifeless. Research proves that cold water is great for your skin, bones, and hair. If you aren’t comfortable with cold water, keep it warm instead of hot. Here are a few things you need to know about temperature control:
- When taking hot bath, keep your head covered with a shower cap.
- Run chilly cold water through the strands after you’ve washed the conditioner off.
The Final Word
Follow these seven tips and you will begin to see a tremendous difference in your tresses in a matter of months. Make the necessary lifestyle and dietary changes. Invest some time in pampering your hair and invest some money in high-quality haircare. The more care and love you show, the lovelier your locks will grow.