COLD PRESSED PURE NATURAL CASTOR OIL pure and sourced with natural extraction methods to ensure the carrier oil’s inherent benefits and organic properties remain intact throughout the production process.
GREAT FOR DANDRUFF & DRY SCALP natural moisturizing and antibacterial compounds for the scalp and hair follicles. Alleviate itchiness dryness and flaking associated with dandruff and dryness.
BOOSTS HAIR GROWTH Natural Oil has Vitamin E proteins minerals and Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids. Ricinoleic acid helps improve scalp circulation and stimulate hair follicles for thicker hair growth.
EYELASHES & EYEBROW GROWTH apply to the eyebrows and eyelashes daily to enhance their shine and promote natural fullness. The vitamins nourish hair roots for longer eyelashes and thicker eyebrows.
100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE chemical free massage moisturizer softens skin and helps prevent wrinkles fine lines stretchmarks and scars for a radiant and even toned complexion for face and body.
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