Red hair don’t care. Black is the new blonde.
Hair trends keep changing and dying your hair is a great way to stay in vogue. It is amazing how you can completely change your personality with a change of hair color.
Truth be told, hair dying is not a practical obsession. Bless those lucky women who have the time and money to spare on frequent salon trips. Not everyone is that lucky. Booking an appointment and waiting for your turn is too much trouble to go through. Imagine the horror if the color doesn’t come out as you expected!
Dying your hair at home, on the other hand, is fun and affordable. However, we wouldn’t mislead you by saying that it is easy or safe. Depending on the type of transformation you are looking for, you will need to learn about the precautions, the mixing procedure, and application steps. More importantly, you need to know a lot about different types of hair dyes and hair dying techniques.
In this guide, we will cover almost all the important aspects of hair dying, and we will also brush the subject of colored hair care in the end.
Step 1 – Choose the Right Hair Dye
If you think the number of brands out there is a bit too overwhelming, try looking into the number of ranges each brand has to offer. It is easy to get confused as to why a single brand has so many different products – But it is actually for your own convenience.
There are different types of hair dyes, created for different needs and requirements. Here are the most common ones you can find.
- Permanent Hair Dyes– Permanent hair dyes contain a higher concentration of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide that removes the old color before it can apply the new one. When you need lasting change and complete coverage, permanent dyes are the best. They do not wash off but they do fade overtime.
- Semi-Permanent Hair Dyes– Semi permanent dyes are free of ammonia and hydrogen per-oxide. They do not lighten the hair. The color is simply deposited on the surface. They can give you an instant shine and a glossy tint. However, they will wash away within a few weeks. They are the safest dyes but not the best if you have grey roots.
- Demi-Permanent Hair Dyes – Demi permanents do not contain ammonia but they do have a bit of peroxide. They can give you a bit more lift than semi-permanent. They last longer than the semis but will fade out faster than permanent ones. Demi can give a good grey coverage and is less damaging than permanent dyes.
- Temporary Hair Dyes – Temporary hair dyes are good for a drastic change but they will be gone in one wash. They do not look very natural and might transfer on skin and clothing. They often come in direct application tubes or spray forms.
Step 2 – Choose the Right Shade
Choosing the right shade is important. While it is easy to do darker, you may not be able to go too light without bleaching your hair first. Hair bleaching is a risky procedure and it is best to get professional help.
Here are a few tips for choosing your shade.
- Don’t get too fascinated by the model. Flip the box to see how the color will appear on your current hair color.
- If you want to go lighter or brighter, choose colors with lifting properties. It is best to go two shade lighter than what you want.
- Learn to understand the hair color numbers. Every brand has it’s own numbering standard but it usually tells a lot about the tone and level (lift) it provides.
Step 3 – Do a Patch Test
A patch test should be the first thing to do after you bring the box dye home. Follow the instruction on the box to prepare just enough mixture to color a small patch on your arm, and also a strand from the nape of your neck. Wash the patch after 15 minutes and the strand after the recommended time. Wait 24 hours to make sure you aren’t allergic. The strand test will give you an idea of what you can expect. If you don’t like the result, get another color.
Step 4 – Choose Application Technique
There are different hair dyeing techniques you can use. The most basic one involves applying the same color all over your hair. However, techniques like baylage and ombre give a very natural look and people are more inclined towards those these days.
Advanced hair techniques aren’t easy. It is best to leave them to the pros. If you are still tempted to try the DIY baylage or ombre, ask a friend to help you with the application.
Step 5 – Apply the Dye
Make sure you have all the supplies close by. It is best to have your hair unwashed. The natural oils allow the dye molecules to cling better. Also, the oil can be a protective barrier between the hair and the harsh chemicals.
Here are a few application tips to remember.
- Never prepare the dye in a metal bowl or with metal spatula. Make sure it’s all plastic.
- Wear gloves, and old t-shirt, and apply petroleum jelly on your neck, ear and, forehead.
- Always take small sections at a time and start with the sections at the back.
- Never go too close to the scalp.
- Never leave it for longer than the recommended time.
Step 6 – Wash Properly
It is important to rinse your hair properly so that there are no hair dye residues left behind. Use cold water and wash till the water runs clear.
You do not need any kind of shampoo for the first wash. Most hair dyes come with a small supply of conditioner. You can use that conditioner after the first wash. Do not rub your hair with towel. Let it dry naturally. The true result will only be visible after it’s completely dry.
Step 7 – Condition and Care
Now that you have the hair you wanted, proper care is imperative to ensure long lasting shine and hue. Keep your regular shampoo and conditioner aside and go for a color care range that will keep the color fresh for longer. Aveda Color Conserve is one of our favorite duo. Together, this shampoo and conditioner will keep your hair soft, beautiful, and bright.
You will need regular touch ups for the roots as well. Just make sure, you are giving your hair at least a month of rest before exposing it to the dying chemicals again. If you feel your hair seems too dull, you can use the Color WOW dream coat to get that silky smooth look back.
Now that you know how to dye hair at home, just keep in mind that quality delivers result. Invest in a good hair color brand and take care of your colored hair with the right shampoo and conditioner. Follow these pointers and you will never regret dying your hair at home!