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How to Dye Hair

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Red hair don’t care. Black is the new blonde. 

Hair trends keep changing and dying your hair is a great way to stay in vogue. It is amazing how you can completely change your personality with a change of hair color. 

Truth be told, hair dying is not a practical obsession. Bless those lucky women who have the time and money to spare on frequent salon trips. Not everyone is that lucky. Booking an appointment and waiting for your turn is too much trouble to go through. Imagine the horror if the color doesn’t come out as you expected!

Dying your hair at home, on the other hand, is fun and affordable. However, we wouldn’t mislead you by saying that it is easy or safe. Depending on the type of transformation you are looking for, you will need to learn about the precautions, the mixing procedure, and application steps. More importantly, you need to know a lot about different types of hair dyes and hair dying techniques. 

In this guide, we will cover almost all the important aspects of hair dying, and we will also brush the subject of colored hair care in the end. 

Step 1 – Choose the Right Hair Dye 

If you think the number of brands out there is a bit too overwhelming, try looking into the number of ranges each brand has to offer. It is easy to get confused as to why a single brand has so many different products – But it is actually for your own convenience. 

There are different types of hair dyes, created for different needs and requirements. Here are the most common ones you can find. 

  • Permanent Hair Dyes– Permanent hair dyes contain a higher concentration of ammonia and hydrogen peroxide that removes the old color before it can apply the new one. When you need lasting change and complete coverage, permanent dyes are the best.  They do not wash off but they do fade overtime. 
  • Semi-Permanent Hair Dyes– Semi permanent dyes are free of ammonia and hydrogen per-oxide. They do not lighten the hair. The color is simply deposited on the surface. They can give you an instant shine and a glossy tint. However, they will wash away within a few weeks. They are the safest dyes but not the best if you have grey roots. 
  • Demi-Permanent Hair Dyes – Demi permanents do not contain ammonia but they do have a bit of peroxide. They can give you a bit more lift than semi-permanent. They last longer than the semis but will fade out faster than permanent ones. Demi can give a good grey coverage and is less damaging than permanent dyes.  
  • Temporary Hair Dyes – Temporary hair dyes are good for a drastic change but they will be gone in one wash. They do not look very natural and might transfer on skin and clothing. They often come in direct application tubes or spray forms. 

Step 2 – Choose the Right Shade 

Choosing the right shade is important. While it is easy to do darker, you may not be able to go too light without bleaching your hair first. Hair bleaching is a risky procedure and it is best to get professional help.

 Here are a few tips for choosing your shade. 

  • Don’t get too fascinated by the model. Flip the box to see how the color will appear on your current hair color. 
  • If you want to go lighter or brighter, choose colors with lifting properties. It is best to go two shade lighter than what you want.   
  • Learn to understand the hair color numbers. Every brand has it’s own numbering standard but it usually tells a lot about the tone and level (lift) it provides. 

Step 3 – Do a Patch Test 

A patch test should be the first thing to do after you bring the box dye home. Follow the instruction on the box to prepare just enough mixture to color a small patch on your arm, and also a strand from the nape of your neck. Wash the patch after 15 minutes and the strand after the recommended time.  Wait 24 hours to make sure you aren’t allergic. The strand test will give you an idea of what you can expect. If you don’t like the result, get another color. 

Step 4 – Choose Application Technique 

There are different hair dyeing techniques you can use. The most basic one involves applying the same color all over your hair. However, techniques like baylage and ombre give a very natural look and people are more inclined towards those these days. 

Advanced hair techniques aren’t easy. It is best to leave them to the pros. If you are still tempted to try the DIY baylage or ombre, ask a friend to help you with the application. 

Step 5 – Apply the Dye 

Make sure you have all the supplies close by. It is best to have your hair unwashed. The natural oils allow the dye molecules to cling better. Also, the oil can be a protective barrier between the hair and the harsh chemicals. 

Here are a few application tips to remember. 

  • Never prepare the dye in a metal bowl or with metal spatula. Make sure it’s all plastic.
  • Wear gloves, and old t-shirt, and apply petroleum jelly on your neck, ear and, forehead. 
  • Always take small sections at a time and start with the sections at the back. 
  • Never go too close to the scalp. 
  • Never leave it for longer than the recommended time.

Step 6 – Wash Properly 

It is important to rinse your hair properly so that there are no hair dye residues left behind. Use cold water and wash till the water runs clear. 

You do not need any kind of shampoo for the first wash. Most hair dyes come with a small supply of conditioner. You can use that conditioner after the first wash. Do not rub your hair with towel. Let it dry naturally. The true result will only be visible after it’s completely dry. 

Step 7 – Condition and Care 

Now that you have the hair you wanted, proper care is imperative to ensure long lasting shine and hue. Keep your regular shampoo and conditioner aside and go for a color care range that will keep the color fresh for longer. Aveda Color Conserve is one of our favorite duo. Together, this shampoo and conditioner will keep your hair soft, beautiful, and bright. 

You will need regular touch ups for the roots as well. Just make sure, you are giving your hair at least a month of rest before exposing it to the dying chemicals again. If you feel your hair seems too dull, you can use the Color WOW dream coat to get that silky smooth look back. 

Now that you know how to dye hair at home, just keep in mind that quality delivers result. Invest in a good hair color brand and take care of your colored hair with the right shampoo and conditioner. Follow these pointers and you will never regret dying your hair at home! 

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Let’s Make Beautiful Hair

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So, you don’t love your hair? You think those locks aren’t worthy of your love? 

Well, maybe if you treat them nicely they will nurture into the mane you always wished you had. 

Hair is just like people. Show some love and it will love you back. Like any other part of your body, it needs proper care. While it is true that your gene has a role to play, but proper care of lack of it can be an absolute game changer. Some people have thick and voluminous hair that is badly damaged and dull. Some people have thin and fine hair that is absolutely healthy and shiny. We are gonna say it once again, It is all about care. 

No matter the natural texture of hair, you can make it beautiful by investing in the right hair care regimen. Without further ado, let’s hear what our hair expert have say about the secrets of beautiful hair. 

1.   Be Careful with Heat 

If your skin can’t bear excessive heat, why expect such endurance from your hair? The rule number one for proper hair care is to keep your hair safe from all kinds of heat. That includes sunlight as well. Excessive sunlight is just as good for your strands as it is for your skin, which means it isn’t good at all. So, if you want to keep your hair beautiful, here are a few precautions to ensure:

  • Use a high quality heat protectant serum before styling with hot tools.
  • Cover your head before going out in the sun for too long.
  • Invest in high-quality styling tools with temperature and moisture settings. 

2.   Use Natural Moisturizers

Weather, pollutants, chemicals- these are just a few elements that strip the natural moisture off your scalp and strands. Dry hair is prone to damage. Dry strands become brittle and cause breakage. Dry scalp, on the other hand, is prone to dandruff and itching. Your scalp needs to stay hydrated and moisturized more than your skin. Here is what you can do to ensure soft and moisturized hair.

  • Soak your hair in Extra Virgin Coconut Oil for a few hour before shower. There is no alternative to this natural magic moisturizer. 
  • Never skip conditioner after you shampoo your hair. Go for paraben free products that do not contain sulphate. 

3.   Detox Your Scalp 

Your scalp and hair are exposed to a lot of pollutants and toxins throughout the day. It can be from the environment or from the food we eat. Junk food contains toxins that can impact every part of your body, including your hair follicles. Not to mention all the chemicals contained in styling products and off the shelf shampoos also cause buildup, which gradually damage the strands. So, you need to detoxify your scalp and hair and get rid of all the toxins and pollutants. Here is the best way to go about it. 

  • Use a high quality detoxifying shampoo at least once a week, more if you use a lot of styling products or leave-in conditioners. 
  • Cut down on junk food and eat clean and fresh food that is high in antioxidants. 
  • If you live in an urban area, wash your hair every day. 

4.   Use Gentle Fabric 

If you haven’t considered silk pillow covers and bedsheets, do it now for the sake of your hair. As fancy as this one sounds, silk is the most harmless fabric when it comes to skin and hair care. The rough texture of other fabric such as cotton and linen is abrasive for your tender locks. It can rubs against your hair cuticles and can be a major cause behind split ends. Rough fabric can also result in frizz and breakage. Here are a few tips to follow: 

  • Silk pillow covers and sheets will help you keep your frizz tamed. 
  • If you wear scarves, choose silk over cotton or other fabric. 
  • Wrap a silk handkerchief on the head before wearing woolen hats. 

5.   Feed Your Follicles 

Our diet has a strong connection with our hair. After all, hair is just a part of our body. It needs nutrients for health and growth. Protein is the most important nutrient for hair since it is precisely what hair is made of. Keratin is basically a form of keratin. Other nutrients such as zinc and iron stimulate the follicles and improve hair growth. Remember, healthy follicles will bear healthy hair. Here are a few food ideas for healthy scalp and hair:

  • Ensure a diet rich in iron, zinc, protein, and Omega-3.
  • Take hair vitamin to supplement the nutritional value. 
  • Use organic and herbal masks to nourish your follicles.  

6.   Comb it Right 

It is funny that they discovered combs in ancient prehistoric tombs yet many people still don’t know how to use it right. While combing is good for scalp and hair, you have to be very gentle and patient to avoid its harmful effects. Rough combing or brushing will break your hair and make it frizzier. Besides there are different types of combs and brushes for different types of hair and you should find one that is most suitable. Here are a few things you should keep in mind: 

  • Use wide-toothed comb to avoid snarls, knots, and breakage. 
  • Always comb the ends first and slowly move upwards. 
  • Avoid over-brushing, especially if the weather is too dry. 

7.   Keep It Cool 

There is nothing more comforting than coming home to hot steaming shower. That’s where we hit to buzzer. WRONG! Hot showers and baths feel comforting but they are not good for your skin or hair. It strips all the moisture from your scalp and hair, leaving it dry and lifeless. Research proves that cold water is great for your skin, bones, and hair. If you aren’t comfortable with cold water, keep it warm instead of hot. Here are a few things you need to know about temperature control:

  • When taking hot bath, keep your head covered with a shower cap. 
  • Run chilly cold water through the strands after you’ve washed the conditioner off. 

The Final Word 

Follow these seven tips and you will begin to see a tremendous difference in your tresses in a matter of months. Make the necessary lifestyle and dietary changes. Invest some time in pampering your hair and invest some money in high-quality haircare. The more care and love you show, the lovelier your locks will grow.

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5 Secret Tips on How to Choose the Best Hair Dryer


Are you one of those people who can’t go out without a proper blow out? And then you regret the decision to expose your precious locks to so much heat every day. May be you need the tips to choose the best hair dryer.

It doesn’t have to be that way; hair dryers don’t have to be so damaging. Thanks to new technology, modern machines can do their job without over-drying or dehydrating your hair. With the right tool in your hand, you can get a clean and tidy blow dry without stripping away the natural moisture. 

The definition of the right tool, however, isn’t that simple or straightforward.

There are many variables in the equation. You have to choose a tool based on your hair, your hair issues, and your styling preferences. Sounds like a lot to consider, but it gets easier when you know what you are looking for. Just a few secret tips and you can find your holy grail hair dryer without all the trial and error. 

Not so fast, though! 

Good things come to those who wait. Before we reveal the secrets, we need to talk about whether you really need a hair dryer or not. 

Let’s just settle it once for all.  

Importance of Hair Dryer 

We all know hairdryers make life so much easier by making our hair more manageable. Blow dried hair are easier to style as compared to air-dried hair. It is why most hair stylist would give you a blow dry even before updos and braids. The style will have more texture and definition and it won’t go flat after a while. 

On a daily basis, hair dryers are safer than other heat styling tool. With the right technique, you can get sleeker, smoother and frizz free hair that isn’t flat. In fact, if you have hair so straight that it looks almost flat, a blow dry will give you some volume. 

If you didn’t really know why you can’t part with your hair dryer, now you do. You don’t just think your hair look better after a blow out, it actually does. That is what makes hair dryer a working women’s essential. A good blowout will make you look sharp and stylish.

So, now you know you really need a good hair dryer. Let’s move on to the tips to find the one you really need. 

1.  Choose According to Your Hair Type 

The variety out there is mindboggling. We have ceramic, ionic, and even metallic ones out there. The question that pops up in our mind: Is it all just a marketing fad?

Not really! All these factors matter – but there isn’t a definite answer as to which one is the best because it is all subjective. Here is what you need to know:

  • Ionic or Tourmaline Hair Dryers– They are best for thick hair that doesn’t dry too easily or quickly. If you don’t need excessive volume and need a dryer to tame that unruly frizz, go for tourmaline. 
  • Ceramic or Porcelain Hair Dryers– Ceramic and porcelain hair dryers are great for fine hair that needs volume. They do not over dry or dehydrate hair. If you have fine yet frizzy hair, choose a ceramic dryer with negative ion. 
  • Titanium Hair Dryers – Titanium hair dryers ensure a steady delivery of heat. They are the lightest in terms of weight. Both the reasons make them a topmost choice for pros. They can heat up to extremely high temperatures. If using at home, you need to extra cautious. 

2.  More Power Means Less Damage 

A major misconception when it comes to hair dryers is that more power mean more heat, which isn’t a good thing, right?

Wrong! More wattage means more wind power. The machine works faster so your hair will dry quickly and heat exposure will be brief. This means there will be less damage as compared to longer exposure to lower heat. 

You should ideally look for 1500 watts or more. It also depends on the thickness and density of your hair. For fine hair, 1500 watts is good enough. For thicker hair and denser volume, go for something as high as 2000 watts. It is what salons use for professional blow dry service. 

And while we are at it, let us also add that it is best to choose a dryer with multiple heat and speed settings. This gives you more control and freedom to explore what works best for your hair. 

3.  Keep Ergonomics in Mind 

You’d be surprised to know what the top excuse for not using a blow dryer is. Most people would stop using a hair dryer because they are literally tired of it. That happens when a dryer is too heavy or the design isn’t ergonomic enough. 

It isn’t unusual for brands to compromise ergonomics for aesthetics. So, don’t go for what looks good. Go for something that feels good in your hands. Weight plays a major role here. If it is lightweight, it will be easier to use. 1 pound or lower is what you should aim for. 

There is one important thing to keep in mind: lightweight doesn’t mean low wattage. Some of the most high performance dryers out there are on the lighter side. 

4.  Pay Attention to Attachments   

Hair dryers are multi-purpose tool. A pro knows how to use different techniques for different hair and different styles. You can enjoy the same level of versatility at home by choosing a hair dryer with the right attachments.

Now, you can find hair dryers with a dozen attachments, but that doesn’t mean you will need them all. Don’t go for the numbers. Go for what you need. 

Let us make this simple and stick to two key types of hair: curly and straight. 

Hair dryers aren’t exactly curly hair friendly – unless you have a diffuser. It dries your hair without compromising the texture or curly or wavy hair. A concentrator nozzle, on the other hand, is perfect for straight hair. 

5.  Read As Many Reviews as Possible 

Lastly, a secret that can actually make all the difference and keep you from wasting money on a dud – always read reviews and invest time in a bit of online research before investing your money on a product. Refine your search and look for recommendations for your specific hair type. Look for pros as well as cons. Shortlist your top two and compare them in terms of features as well as price before you make your final decision.

Our Top Picks 

We have our top picks in almost all the categories. Here are our top favorite hair dryers 2019.

That’s about it. Now you know the 5 secret tips to choose the best hair dryer according to your needs. You also have a list of the best hair dryers for different hair types. Remember the last secret tip. Read as many reviews as possible and compare a few options before your final decision.  

Hair Straightening Brush Reviews

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Hair Straightening Brush Reviews

Hair Straightening Brush Reviews

We have all seen those videos of people brushing their hair straight with a straightening brush. We have all been skeptical. Do they really work? Are they just fads? Should I buy one? Here we will give you great hair straightening brush reviews.

Well, Hair straightening brushes have been around for a while – the hype started some two years ago – and they are still a thing. 

That means they actually work. No wonder, we now have more than a dozen brands with their own hair straightening brush. However, that doesn’t mean they are all great. 

Some of the earlier versions turned out to be duds. And that is one reason there is such a negative perception. At Hair Duty, however, we have been putting different hair straightening brushes to test and some of them have really impressed us. 

Now before we move on to our reviews, we want to clear the air and answer a few concerns you might have.

Can Hair Straightening Brush Replace My Straightening Iron? 

If you are tired of how much time and efforts your iron takes, then a straightening brush is a great alternative that is easy and quick to use. Depending on your hair thickness and volume, you might need to brush a few times to get the desired result. It can make your hair visibly tamed, frizz free, straighter, and shinier. 

However, if you want the ultimate straight and sleek, you might not like the result. This is possibly because ironing involves both heat and pressure and that makes hair sleeker. It is one reason most brushes don’t get a great review from users with thick and voluminous hair unless they want to retain some of that volume. 

That said, the brushes we have picked for you are the best ones available. They utilize better technology and innovation to deliver and amazing experience no matter your hair type. 

So, let’s cut to the chase and unveil the five best hair straightening brushes in 2019. 

1.   MiroPure Enhanced Hair Straightener Brush

This one took the straightening brush innovation to the next level with its 2-in-1 technology. It is designed to straighten your hair without stripping off the natural moisture. It features a dual ionic generator that pushes the moisture into the hair shaft. The result is a hydrated straight hair that is soft and shiny. The technology allows it to control frizz by sealing the cuticles as it straightens your hair. 

It has sixteen different heat settings and the heat distribution is just amazing. It works beautifully for tick hair because it can reach u to 450⁰ F. Included in the box is a guide that will help you choose the best heat setting for your hair type. 

2.   Amika iRed Polished Perfection Straightening Brush 2.0

The fact that it includes 2.0 in the name kind of hints at how technologically advanced this one must be. We have tried it and it does live up to its name. Launched just a few months back, it is a great improvement on its predecessor. 

It also has a double ion generator that guarantees sleeker and frizz free hair. It seals the cuticles to make your hair seem shinier and feel softer. It does a great job at straightening and can heat up to 450⁰ F for a perfect result. 

The fact that sets it apart is the iRed Beam technology that cuts down the styling time by half. That is why we think it is best for damaged or damage prone hair. 

3.   AsaVea Hair Straightening Brush

If we have to name one gamechanger in the hair straightening brush category, this would be it. It can easily be called the brush that changed everyone’s perception about straightening brushes. It introduced the anti-scalding design that makes it a safe product to use even when you are just rushing in through your hair. The newer model improved on it and features the negative ion technology to prevent damage.

Speaking of design, we love how it is sleek and lightweight instead of bulky. There is a built –in mirror at the back. A digital temperature display screen allows you to set temperature according to your hair type and styling needs.

400° F is the maximum temperature but the innovative even distribution technology delivers better result than many straightening brushes that operate on higher temperature. 

4.   Glamfields Straightening Brush 2.0

And now we have another updated version of a previous favorite. It is a cute little brush that looks like the ones Barbie owns. It is terrific at straightening hair that is already damaged or too thin.  While it can reach up to 450°, it is one of the best straighteners that can work well on lower temperature. So, if you don’t want to cause heat damage to your hair, we recommend Glamfields.

Like most straighteners on the list, this one also features the double negative ion technology that fights frizz and seals cuticles. Many people with thin, lifeless hair actually claim their hair became livelier and healthier after regular use.

That is the power of innovation. 

5.   Drybar Brush Crush 

If it is from Drybar, we know we are gonna fall in love with it! And it isn’t just because of the canary yellow color. We have put this one to test and we truly love what we got. It works flawlessly on all hair types. It straightened thin hair without damage and thick hair within the least possible time. It made straightening an effortless and rewarding process.  

It can heat up to 450° F in less than 40 seconds. You can adjust the temperature according to your hair type. What we truly loved is how it managed to retain volume with any frizz at all. The hair turn out sleek and soft. They stay frizz free for hours.

This one is definitely worth the investment.


Hair straightening brushes aren’t fads. They can give you more natural looking straight locks without damaging your hair. They are faster and easier to use. You just need to invest in a product that is worth every penny. 

Ceramic vs Titanium Hair Dryers: Which Are Better?

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Ceramic vs Titanium Hair Dryers: Which Are Better?

Ceramic vs Titanium Hair Dryers: Which Are Better?

Every time we get a blow dry from a salon, we wonder why in the world we can’t get the same result at home. Guess what? Some people do. Because there is a difference between ceramic vs titanium hair dryers.

As we always say, it is just as much about the technique as it is about the tool. Blow dry techniques vary according to the look you desire. You can create a sleek yet voluminous look or bog bouncy curls. As for the tool, you need the best one with better heat distribution, varying heat levels, and other featured that allow for quick drying without ‘frying’.

The dilemma is that there are just too many hair dryers to choose from. Not only do we have different brands, we have different products from every brand. And while some features may be easy to understand such as temperature levels, some may be technical.

Speaking of technicalities, one of the most difficult to grasp aspect is the material. You are most likely to find either a “titanium” hair dryer or a “ceramic” one. 

The question is whether the material really matters or are these terms just thrown out to make a product look fancy and innovative. 

Let’s find out the difference between ceramic vs titanium hair dryers.

What Are Ceramic Hair Dryers? 

Ceramic hair dryer means that the plates and most of the metallic/heating components of the tool are coated with ceramic or porcelain. There are two benefits of this coating.

First of all, ceramic heats slowly and therefore your hair is exposed to less heat. Ceramic heats more evenly than metal and the heat distribution is therefore uniform across the plates. The temperature remains stable and heat is dispersed evenly for as long as it is on. 

Now, the second major benefit is that ceramic is ionic in nature and it can be very effective against frizz. Negative charge is discharged into the hair shaft and it seals the hair cuticle. The hair appears smoother, silkier, and shinier.  

Why You Should Buy a Ceramic Hair Dryer? 

  • Ceramic hair dryers are the safest because of the appropriate heat level. If you have thin, weak, or damaged hair, a ceramic dryer is your best bet. 
  • If you blow-dry your hair every day or too frequently, you might want to keep the damage minimum with a dryer that doesn’t heat too much or too fast.
  • When it comes to price, ceramic hair dryers are slightly cheaper.
  • Silky and shinier texture. 

Why You Shouldn’t Buy a Ceramic hair Dryer? 

  • Ceramic may not get hot enough for thick hair. It will take longer, and longer exposure to lower heat can often be more damaging than a short exposure to more heat. 
  • Ceramic hair dryers are too heavy. If you have thick voluminous hair, your arm will get tired before you are done with half of your head. 

What Are Titanium Dryers? 

Titanium is an amazing material for hair styling tools. It heats evenly yet quickly, and it can heat to very high temperature. It is professionally used to ensure a quick and lasting blow dry. 

The major benefit that is actually making titanium a preferred choice for professionals is its weight. Titanium is extremely lightweight material, almost 40% lighter than ceramic, and it can make a huge difference for those who use it a lot. 

For people with thicker hair, titanium hair dryers can control frizz better than their ceramic counterparts. 

Why You Should Buy a Titanium Hair Dryer? 

  • If you have thick and healthy hair that doesn’t dry easily, titanium hair dryers can cut the drying time by half.
  • The quick drying technology makes if perfect not just for salons but also for those who need a quick blow dry every morning without running late. 
  • Titanium is the best against frizz. 
  • The lighter weight of titanium makes these tools easiest and most comfortable to use. 

Why You Shouldn’t Buy a Titanium Hair Dryer? 

  • If you have thin or damage prone hair, titanium dryers can be bit too damaging for you. 
  • Titanium hair drier are slightly more expensive than ceramic ones. 

Not All Dryers are Made Equal 

It would be wrong to say that titanium is definitely better than ceramic. As we explained, it actually depends on your hair type and styling requirement. However, quality of your tool matters to a great extent. 

A low-quality titanium hair dryer may be slower than a high quality ceramic hair dryer; whereas, a low quality ceramic hair dryer might end up burning your locks. So, make sure you but a top quality product even if the cost is slightly higher. Otherwise, you might end up spending a lot more on damage repair. 

Here are our favorite ceramic and titanium hair dryers for 2019.

Top Ceramic Hair Dryer 2019 – Rusk W8less

We love this one because it is a game changer for ceramic hair dryers. It is just as lightweight as any titanium dryer. The ergonomic curved handle proves that it is built for maximum comfort. And despite that, the heat level and distribution is good enough for professional use. 

Two more reasons for us to love W8less are the infrared and perfect airflow technologies that allows for quick drying without stripping off the nature moisture of your strands. You can chose from cold, warm, and hot settings and two different speeds according to your styling needs.

This little wonder is powered by a  solid 2000 watt motor. 

Top Titanium Hair Dryer 2019 – Babyliss PRO Nano Titanium Portofino

This is one of the most popular hair dryer of the year. Powered by a 2000-watt Italian motor, BaBylissPRO Nano Portofino features six different heat and speed settings.  The fan is powerful enough to dry your hair without excessive heat exposure. 

The negative ion technology seals the cuticles and give you frizz-free, salon-like blow dry even at home. It is also a lightweight hair dryer with ergonomic design. 


There is no definite answer to which one is the better option of Ceramic vs Titanium Hair Dryers. It all depends on your hair type and styling needs. Some people might like a ceramic hair dryer because it is safe to use even on daily basis; others might prefer a titanium one because of how quick it can do its job. Now that you know the difference and our top recommendations, you can shop for a hair dryer that is best for you. 

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Where to Buy a Hair Dryer?

Where to Buy a Hair Dryer?

Hair dryer is an essential beauty tool. It is more important than a straightening iron or a curling wand. It is something that you need every day. And brands tend to understand how crucial a good hair dryer can be. It is probably why the amount of innovation we have witnessed lately is just mind (no pun intended) blowing. 

We have reviewed a number of products at Hair Duty, but there is one question we often get to hear: where to find that hair dryer? 

Common sense says a quick search on the internet or a short trip to the mall should suffice, but things aren’t as simple. Many of our readers share sad stories about how they got a fake product or couldn’t find the one they need at a reasonable rate.

Today, we will try to make your hair dryer buying experience better by sharing our expert recommendations as to how and where you can find the best hair dryer. 

We have broken it down into three parts. First of all, we will talk about how to find a hair dryer you should buy. Secondly, we will discuss whether you should buy online of offline. And finally, we will reveal the best place to buy hair dryer. 

So, let’s begin the hair dryer buying guide.

How to Buy a Hair Dryer? 

We are lucky to be living in a time when hair dryer technology is advance enough to cater people with different hair type. There are hair dryers that work best for thick and frizzy hair and then we have hair dryers that are suitable for thin and fragile hair. 

There is a plethora of different features you will find out there. Some are just fancy fads, others are actual specs that matter. Keeping things simple for now, there are four factors we want you to focus on:

  • Wattage:Wattage is power. The more powerful the motor is, the quicker your hair dryer will be. It isn’t just about the heat, it is also about the wind power. Decent enough wind power is means you won’t have to expose your hair to heat for too long. For thin hair, 1600 to 1800 watts is safe yet effective. For thicker hair, 1900 – 2000 watts is essential. 
  • Material:Ceramic, titanium, and tourmaline are just three of the commonly available options. They all have their own pros and cons. You can look up our previous post[add link]to know more about the differences. 
  • Settings:Hair dryers should have multiple heat and speed settingsThis makes it a versatile tool for different hair types and different styles. Pros prefer tools with more heat and speed control. Most modern dryers come with a “cool shot” feature that allows you to lock your style in place. 
  • Attachments: The normal blow dryer nozzle is usually not meant for too straight or curly hair. It can break your curls and make your hair frizzier. That is why you should look for one with attachments such as a diffuser for curls and a long narrow nozzle for straight hair. 
  • Ergonomics:There are two factors that ensure maximum ease of use – ergonomic design and lighter weight. Lightweight models with ergonomic handle are easy on your arm. You will be able to style your hair every day without hurting your wrist. If you are a frequent user or a professional, you should always go for the lightest one you can find. 

Now, keep in mind that a dryer that fulfills all your criteria may be a little pricier as well. We have tried some of the most expensive tools out there and we can say that the price tag is absolutely justified. These innovative, high-end ones have more features and they last long enough to deliver the best value for your money.

However, some vendors sell these tools for a higher than the actual price. That is what makes it so important to know where to buy a hair dryer. 

Should You Buy Online of Offline? 

Only a handful of brands actually have their own brick and mortar stores these days. Most of the popular products are usually available at retail stores such as Target, Walmart, and Macy’s, etc. Beauty stores such as Ulta, Boots, and Sephora also have a range of hair styling tools. However, the problem most customers face is that stores are usually out of stock.

There are smaller shops that also stock hair dryers but there is always a chance of a counterfeit or defected item. The variety is limited and they usually don’t have the latest models.

Now when product sells too quickly, retails stores and shops tend to raise the price as well. Once you are in the aisle, there is hardly any time to drive down to other store and check for prices. 

These are the reasons buying offline isn’t the best option anymore. When you buy hair dryer online, you can actually compare prices and find the best value. You can find the best product and a reliable vendor by reading reviews from customers. Whether you buy from a marketplace like Amazon or a niche online store like Hair Duty, the process is convenient and more transparent. 

Where to Buy a Hair Dryer? 

If you want to avoid all the horror stories, Hair Duty is at your service. The mission of this store is to bring you the best in hair care and styling products at the lowest possible prices. This niche haircare store was created after we discovered a dearth of reasonable and reliable options. The market is full of fake and counterfeit products.  

We stock the latest and finest variety of all the products and items related to hair. Moreover, we strive to become your go-to resource for hair styling and hair care related information. From tips to reviews and from recommendations and guides, we cover it all. 

If you are looking for a hair care and styling product, it is our duty to deliver it to you. Request your desired product or browse our store to see if we already have it in our stock. Or go direct to amazon and buy Dyson Supersonic hair dryer.

Check our other articles also:

10 Best Hair Blow Dryers for Every Hair Type & Budget

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10 Best Hair Blow Dryers for Every Hair Type & Budget


The definition of the best hair blow dryers varies. It varies from hair type to hair type. It also varies according to your budget. No matter what your concerns and challenges are, you can always find the right hair dryer. You just need to know what you are looking for.

To help you refine your search and find a blow dryer that is best for you, we bring you a list of our top hair dryers for every hair type and budget. 

1. Best Blow Dryer for Fine Hair

If you are looking for a great hair dryer for fine hair, don’t go for the smallest motor. A small motor would take more time. The longer you expose your hair to hot air, the more damage it can cause. In case of fine and thin air, longer exposure can cause frizz.

Jinri Paris Professional Hair Dryer is your best bet. Powered wit a 1875 watt motor, this dryer has a gentle exposure. It gives you just the right amount of heat and wind to create volume in your thin and flat hair. The infra-red technology instantly dries your hair by penetrating into the stands. It even has the cool shot feature that ensures your hair won’t fall flat all day. 

2. Best Blow Dryer for Thick Hair

Thick hair take its sweet time to dry. That is why it is never a good idea to expose it to excessive heat. That is why you don’t always need to biggest motor you can find. You need an innovative machine that can penetrate deep into the shaft and distribute heat evenly across your hair. 

Try the Dry-Bar Buttercup blow dryer for your thick and voluminous locks. It can cut down the drying time by 20 percent for the thickest of hair. Even if you have too much hair, this lightweight gadget allows you to easily style it without hurting your muscles. 

3. Best Blow Dryer for Curly Hair

Curly hair is the trickiest to dry and style. There are different types of curly hair and the one tool that has proved to work wonders for all is the Kaleep Negative Ionic Salon Blow Dryer. It comes with multiple attachments including a diffuser that dries curls without breaking them into frizzy strings. 

The dryer uses the negative ion technology that can dry hair without stripping off the moisture. It comes with different heat settings for different hair thickness and porosity. A cool shot button is a must-have for any curl friendly dryer. 

What we love about it is the 1875-watt motor that operates without noise. You can also adjust the speed setting. Not matter the curl type, this one leaves your curls silky, smooth, and bouncy.

4. Best Blow Dryer for Natural Hair

Natural hair or Afro-American hair are also tricky like curly hair. They tend to be thick yet they are easily prone to frizz and damage. There are very few brands that are able to create tools that can cater this hair type. One hair dryer that gets rave reviews from customers is the BERTA Professional Hair Dryer. This is one of the best blow hair dryers.

With its 1875 Watts motor and negative ions technology, Berta can dry your natural hair within five to ten minutes. The quick drying ability means your hair will be able to retain its texture and natural shine. 

You can adjust the fan and heat settings according to your hair. Use the power cool shot button for lasting style. 

5. Best Blow Dryer for Frizzy Hair

Some people refrain from using hair dryers because of excess frizz. Frizz is kind of a universal hair problem. It can happen to anyone whether you have thick hair or thin hair. Almost every brand claims to have come up with the best anti-frizz technology. One that truly lives up to the claim is the award-winning T3 Featherweight Luxe 2i.

The secret is the T3 Tourmaline + SoftAireTM technology infused with negative ions and far infrared heating technologies. In simpler words, the technologies work together to seal condition your hair. It quickly dries your hair without dehydrating it. This results is silky, smooth and frizz free hair every time. 

6. Best Blow Dryer for Dry and Damaged

If you already have dry and damaged hair, a bad blow dryer can literally be the last blow. It can easily fry your hair and make them brittle. That doesn’t mean you should stop blow drying your hair altogether. You should opt for a hair dryer that can actually help repair the damage. All thanks to the Laminair technology GHD Aura professional hairdryer does exactly that, mark it for your best blow hair dryers. 

It is a revolutionary gadget that delivers 42% more concentrated air stream as compared to other dryers. This quickly dries hair without causing more damage. And it keeps frizz and split hair at bay and actually give your hair the time to heal with taking more hits from heat. 

7. Best Blow Dryer for Professionals

There are many pro favorites on our list but one that is an overall winner in almost every category is the Harry Josh Pro Tools Pro Dryer 2000. An iconic gadget that allows you to choose between ionic and non-ionic heat. This means you can customize settings according to the hair type and concern you are dealing with. 

Now wonder it is hailed as the “hairstyling tool of the century” by the pros who have tried their hands on. It is also endorsed by numerous celebrities and style icons. Don’t be surprised to see it in every other salon you visit. The 2000-watt motor can churn a powerful airflow of up to 80 mph. 

While it isn’t the lightest hair dryer you will find, the ergonomic design makes it easy on the arms even on the busiest day at the salon. 

8. Best Blow Dryer for Small Budget

Smaller budget doesn’t mean you have to settle for a low quality product that will end up damaging your locks. There are brands that have created some of the most amazing hair dryers that don’t cost an arm and a leg. Revlon is our personal favorite when it comes to budget friendly high quality hair tools. Our best pick from their affordable hair dryers is Revlon’s Perfect Heat Smooth Brilliance Hair Dryer.

If you think it looks much expensive than it actually is, wait till you see it work. It can easily compete with any high-end hair dryer on our list. 

9. Best Affordable Hair Dryer for Curly Hair 

If you are looking for a budget friendly option with cool drying feature for your curly hair, look no further than the Red by Kiss Ceramic Tourmaline Hair-DryerThis one allows you to fully dry your hair with cool air. It isn’t just one shot or burst of cool air. You can diffuse your curls without exposing them to heat. 

10. The Best All-Rounder 

Dyson Supersonic is our all-time favorite for a reason. It works perfectly well on hair that are difficult to dry and style. It is around four times faster than most hair dryers we have tried. This means even the thickest hair will need just ten minutes. You will have a perfect blow dry with no damage to your strands. 

When launched, it was the most expensive hair dryer in the market. It still costs a lot but the fact that it has remained a top favorite over the years mean that it truly justifies its worth. Its best features include a built-in temperature stabilizer that prevents overheating despite its power. 

So, this is it! Our list of the best blow dryer for every hair type and budget. Browse through our shop to see if you can buy the one that is best for your hair. 

Check our other articles also:

How to Use Flat Iron to Curl Your Thick Hair

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How to Use Flat Iron to Curl Your Thick Hair

curl hair flat iron daily life hair haircare

Do you ever wonder how all those YouTubers can magically curl their hair with a flat iron? Seems like it takes less effort than a curling wand – until you actually try it for yourself. May be they have a magic wand. May be they are lucky to have perfect hair that is easy to style.

Stop blaming your thick hair for the problem. Your hair has little to do with how well you can style how long the look can last. 

There are two key aspects that matter: the ironing technique and the iron itself. We are about to cover both the areas, but after we take a look at why it is a great idea to curl your hair with a flat iron. 

Why Use Flat Iron Instead of a Curling Wand?

Well, for starters you only have to spend on one tool. You can splurge on higher quality flat iron instead of settling for cheaper curling wand and flat iron. There are more practical benefits as well:

  • Quick Curls: Curling with a straighter iron is faster than curling with a wand. You can take thicker sections if in a rush and get ready in almost ten minutes. This is a great benefit for thick-haired ladies out there.
  • Lasting Curls: Since curling with an iron involves pressing the strands between two plates instead of wrapping them around a rod, your hair get heat on both sides. This makes the curls last longer. 
  • Versatile Curls:You can use different techniques to create different types of curl with just one flat iron. With curling wands, you are relativity is limited by the diameter of the rod. You can create more natural looking curls or beachy waves as compared to tight springy curls created with a wand. 

There is more to it, but this should be enough to convince you to at least try the flat iron curling method. So, let’s take a look at this step by step guide we have created for you. 

Which Flat Iron is Best for Curling? 

For curling, it is best to use a thin flat iron. It shouldn’t be wider than 2 inches, although 1 inch is what we recommend for better curls. Lighter weight will be an added advantage that will make it even easier to use. 

Also, your thick hair might require a higher temperature to curl better. So, find an iron that can heat up to 350F to 400F. 

We highly recommend the ultra-thin BaByliss Pro Nano Titanium 1″ Iron. HSI Professional Ceramic Tourmaline Ionic Flat Iron is another top favorite at Hair Duty. 

The Right Way to Curl Your Hair with Flat Iron  

Hardly anyone has ever mastered flat iron curling method in one go. So, don’t be discouraged if you fail your first few attempts. The learning curve may be steep but the results are definitely worth it. Just a little guidance and you can 

Follow the following steps and you will be able to learn faster and curl better.

Step 1 – Protect Your Hair 

Heating tools, no matter how high in quality, expose your hair to high temperature that is damaging to your hair. However, that shouldn’t keep you from styling your hair just the way you want. A good heat protectant can help you save your hair from heat damage. 

Hair protectant comes in different forms: spray, serums, and mouse. Not only do they protect your hair, they make it appear shiner after styling. Find one that is well suited for your thick hair. 

Step 2 – Blow Dry Your Hair 

If you have thick hair, it is best to blow dry before you use the straightener.  Blow drying can prepare your hair for further styling and you will get better results. Also, irons don’t tend to work best on wet hair so make sure it is completely dry before you begin. 

Step 3 – Make Equal Sections 

If you want salon like perfect curls, you need to part your hair in equal sections. Your hair is already thick so you need to take smaller sections to ensure better curl. 

It is best to start from the bottom of the head. Make sections in one horizontal line and tie rest of the hair up. Make a section above that line after you’re done with the bottom section and tie the rest of the hair up again. Gradually move upwards with your sections. 

Step 4 – Find the Right Technique 

Now, there are a number of techniques you can try. Different methods can create different types of curls. Let’s take a look. 

  • Flick:Flicks are the easiest. Starting half way down, clamp a strand in the iron. Turn the iron back creating a U with the strand i.e. a half turn. Now slowly move the iron downwards.  You will get very soft wavy flick with this method.
  • Curl: For curls, you have to start from as close to the scalp as you can start without burning yourself. Rest of the method is the same as a flick. Since you are working with a longer strand, you will get more than one flick that look like beautiful curls. 
  • Tight Curls: For tighter ringlet kind of curls, you have to give your iron a full turn instead of half. Now slowly move towards the end of the strand to create a tight ringlet. You move faster for big, loose curls. 
  • Twist:You can also create a beautiful textures curl by first twisting the entire strand and then use iron to press and heat the twist. This method can give you funky spiral curl. 

Step 5 – Hold the Curl 

If you want the curl to last all day, you have to follow these two steps right after you have created a curl with your iron.

  • Hold the curl in your hand while it is hot and scrunch it a bit. Just make sure the strand isn’t too hot to burn your hand. In that case, you might need to lower the heat level of your straightener. 
  • Use a high-quality hair spray to make the curl last all day. Don’t use too much hair spray as it can make your curl seem too crunchy and stiff. 

Now you can flaunt your beautiful, bouncy curls that will stay that way all day. 

The Final Word 

A flat iron can definitely double as a curling iron. All you need is the right tool and the right technique. Invest in a good quality flat iron and spend a little time and efforts on learning the right technique. Keep practicing and you will see a definite improvement in the way your curls turn out every time.  

Check our other articles also:

Hair Styling Girl’s Top 5 Best Curling Wands & Irons

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Hair Styling Girl’s Top 5 Best Curling Wands & Irons

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There are two phases in every girl’s life – the curly girl phase and the sleek chic phase. This article is to help you with your hair styling.

Going from straight to curly is the least dramatic, yet equally drastic, way to change your look as compared to chopping your locks off or dying them blue. 

It looks different, looks cute, is fun, is harmless.   

You might not agree to the latter since curling involves heat exposure, and that doesn’t sound harmless. Well, it actually depends on the tool you choose. 

Hair styling is a multi-million dollar industry and a lot of money is spent on R&D. Technological advancements have made it all possible to curl your hair without damaging it. There are products out there that do more than just heat up and curl your locks. 

We have been testing a lot of iron and wands, and some of the latest additions are absolutely mindblowing. But before we move on to the countdown, we need to address the elephant in the room:

No, curling wands and curling irons aren’t exactly the same thing. 

There are some differences that can make a lot of difference for some people. Let’s take a look.

Curling Wand vs. Curling Iron 

Both the wand the iron are essentially like a rod, around which you twirl your locks. An iron, however, has a clasp. This little addition changes the way it is used and why it is used. 

  • A curling wand creates loose beachy waves while an iron can create tight ringlets.
  • A wand is held with its chord up and an iron is held with its chord downwards. 
  • An iron is uniform in size while a wand is usually tapered towards the end. 
  • A wand gives more natural and textured curls and an iron creates a smoother look. 

While the differences are noticeable, we can’t really say which one is the better option. It all depends on the look you want to create. With the right techniques though, you can create different types of curls with both the wand and the iron. 

It is why our top 5 list is a mix of wands and irons. Let’s get started. 

#5 – Revlon 2-in-1 Barrel Wand 

This budget buy made it to our list because of the versatility it offers. If you haven’t yet figured out which barrel works best for your hair or you just like to try different looks, you don’t have to purchase multiple wands or irons. 

As the name suggests, this one comes with two different barrels: tapered 0.5 to 1 inch barrel for bouncy curls and a uniform 1-inch barrel for loose waves. The tourmaline coated barrels can heat up to 410°F and that means the curls will last for hours. The fact that there are 30 heat settings to toggle makes it suitable for all hair type. 


  • You get two barrels in one buy
  • 30 different heat levels
  • Longer cool tip at the end
  • Great value for money 


  • Not the best build quality
  • Takes longer to curl
  • No digital display 

#4 – Conair Double Ceramic 1-inch Iron

And we have yet another budget friendly cult favorite on our list. 

No surprises here! 

This one is a constant on almost all the best curling iron lists out there. It is well-deserved honor. The double ceramic technology means it has ceramic plates that are further coated with ceramic to ensure silky, soft, and bouncy curls. It retains moisture and locks cuticles so that the curls stay smooth and silky for hours. 

It takes around minute to heat up to 375°F, which is the highest of its 30 heat settings you can play with. This makes it suitable for most hair types.


  • Double ceramic technology  
  • Lightweight and easy to handle 
  • 30-heat settings 
  • Budget-friendly 


  • The barrel is short 
  • Takes long to heat up 
  • Very small chord 

#3 – Herstyler Grande Curls Curling Wand

Italian design and American technology come together to create this amazing curling wand with a Teflon barrel. It gives you shiny, glossy, frizz-free curls for hours. What consumers truly love about this one is that it can give you lasting curls even in the most humid weather. 

If you aren’t into complicated tools with too many settings to deal with, this is it. Just turn it on and it will heat up to 400°F within seconds. That is the right amount of heat for almost all hair type. 

The barrel is slightly tapered and gives a very natural looking wave or curl. It comes in two sizes i.e. 1-inch barrel for bouncy curls and 0.5 inch barrel for tighter curls. It isn’t heavy and has an ergonomic handle for hassle free styling.


  • Slightly tapered barrel 
  • Heats up quickly 
  • Suitable for thick hair 
  • Lightweight and ergonomic design 
  • Comes in three different colors 


  • Just one heat setting 
  • No automatic shut off 

#2 –  Beachwaver S1 Automatic Curler

There are many automatic curlers out there but most of them are in weird shapes and styles. The only one that looks like a regular curling iron and is good enough to be on this list us the Beachwaver S1. 

The Beachwaver has making waves for a while because it can make the entire process effortless and even enjoyable. It heats up pretty quick and gives you soft, shiny curls that last for long. It is different from other automatic curlers because you don’t have to worry about strands getting stuck in the machine. There is virtually nothing to worry about. 

This one can reach up to 410º F in less than 30 seconds. You can choose different speed settings to achieve three different looks. You can even change the direction of the rotation. 


  • Easy  and quick to use 
  • Digital temperature display 
  • Different speed settings 
  • Heats up quickly and evenly
  • 30 minute shut off feature 


  • Expensive 

#1 – GHD Curve 1-inch Classic Curl Iron

There is one reason this one is hands down our favorite hair curling tool in this entire universe – and it’s its ability to curl without damaging. That is the power of technological advancement. 

GHD figured out a way to reduce the amount of damage without compromising performance. This wand can only go up to 365°F, which is essentially the amount of heat your hair can take without losing its elasticity. Think that isn’t enough for a lasting curve?

Wrong! GHD proves that it isn’t as much about heat as it is about heat distribution. The iron spreads the heat evenly to give you a well-defined, lasting curl in around five seconds. There are around six smart sensors to ensure optimal levels and distribution of heat.

It is truly a godsend for girls you like to curl too often. This is best for color-treated hair as well. And heats up in less than 30 seconds and it won’t fry your hair. What else do you need from a curling iron? 


  • Best curls on lower heat levels
  • Ergonomic lever for ease of use
  • 30-minutes auto shut off feature
  • Ceramic coating for shiny frizz-free curls


  • On the pricier side 

Now you know our hot favorite hair curling wands and irons. We tried to keep our list as versatile as possible. Did you find the one you were looking for? 

Check our other articles also:

Top 10 Hair Straighteners – A Buying Guide

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Top 10 Hair Straighteners – A Buying Guide

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Hair straightening is a fairly simple process. You press your hair between two hot plates and slowly glide the plates down to straighten out your curly, wavy, and frizzy hair. What can possibly go wrong? Which are the top hair straighteners?

Well, despite the simple process we all know how many things can actually go wrong. The heat can be too high too low. You can end up with volume-less, lifeless, limp hair. Or you can end up with more frizz and unruly hair. 

And you can always blame it on the weather but if you have used more than one straighteners in your life, you know the real culprit. It is the tool that makes all the difference.

As simple as it sounds, lot of science goes into hair straightening process. From the right temperature to proper heat distribution, everything matters. Even the size, shape, and weight can have an impact on your straightening experience. Different hair types have different requirements. That is the reason, there is so much research and innovation going on in the industry. Let us help you to find top hair straighteners.

No wonder some tools manage to work better than the others, and what works for your friend doesn’t work for you. 

Now, if you love to straighten your hair every now in then, you need to invest in the best according to your needs and requirements. That is what we will help you with today!

1. Best Hair Straightener for Dull, Lifeless Hair 

One of the most common complaints from frequent users is how straighteners can make their hair look dull and lifeless. That is just a natural effect of excessive heat – but that isn’t a good enough reason to put down your iron.

 You can go for one with Agave Healing Oil Vapor Iron that combines the moisturizing benefit of steam irons with the magical results of their popular Vapor infusion treatment oil. Every iron comes with a bottle and you can always repurchase or use any serum or oil you prefer.

The oil works as a serum giving you an instant shine boost while the nanolonic plates press it in to heal your hair from within. You can choose from three heat settings according to your hair. 

2. Best Hair Straightener for Dry, Damaged Hair

Heat is the number 1 enemy of hair that is already dry and damage. Again, that shouldn’t mean you can’t style your hair anymore. GHD Classic Styler is a style investment you won’t regret. This award-winning product is on the top favorite list of most celebrities and celebrity stylist. 

The interesting fact about this straightener is that there are literally no bells and whistles. It uses ceramic plate technology that can reach the top temperature of 365°F. Anything above that is damaging, which isn’t something you can risk when your hair is already looking for repair and recovery. 

It heats up within 30seconds and has a sleek round barrel that makes it great for waves and curls as well. 

3. Best Hair Straightener for Frizzy Hair 

If you have hair that gets super frizzy just moments after hair straightening, you need an iron created specifically for that purpose. There are many anti-frizz straighteners out there but our current favorite is the pocket-friendly S8500 Shine Therapy Straightener of Remington

We love it because it delivers great value for money by doing exactly what it promises. It is a ceramic straightener with plates infused with micro-conditioners. These micro conditioners prevent frizz even on a humid day. 

For better frizz control, this one heats up to 450°F. A digital control panel helps you tweak heat settings as per your needs. 

4. Best Hair Straightener for Thick Hair 

Thick hair is tricky because you need to go to and forth for a long time to get that silky smooth look. The longer you expose your hair to heat, the more damage it will take. Not with the Babyliss PRO Nano Titanium-Plated Ionic Straightening Iron! 

This one is another salon favorite that can straighten the thickest hair in one go. Thanks to its wider base and titanium-coated plates with digital ionic technology, you can cut down your straightening time by more than half. It leaves hair silky, smooth, and frizz free. 

Pro Nano can heat up to 450°F. Far infra red heat penetrates deep into the strands to quickly get the job done.  This is the best in top hair straighteners.

5. Best Hair Straightener for Thin Hair 

People with thin hair don’t need  a lot of heat, but they need to look for a tool that can evenly distribute heats to prevent damage. Too much heat can create frizz and flyaways. One of our favorite for thin and quick to straighten hair is the INFINITIPRO BY CONAIR Tourmaline Ceramic Flat Iron. This is loved by thin haired users across the world

And it doesn’t snag, burn, or break your hair. This heats up in less than 20 seconds and has 30 heat settings up till 455 F. It is sleek but long so that you can quickly glide it through your hair and get ready in less than ten minutes. 

And it is also great if you already have straight hair but want to make them seem sleeker. 

6. Best Hair Straightener for Natural Hair 

To reduce styling time, Kendall Dorsey, celebrity stylist to Yara Shahidi and Nick Minaj, uses this iron from by Gina. “The plates heat up quickly and glide over the hair, which allows you to quickly straighten without snagging or causing damage.”

By Gina Excel Infrared Flat Iron,

7. Best Hair Straightener for Colored Hair 

There are tons of videos about how straightener can destroy your hair color. Don’t let them discourage you from dying your locks your favorite hue every season. You can protect your hair and your hair color with the Remington Pro Color Care hair straightener. It can let your hair color las 5times longer than with other straighteners. 

It’s ceramic plates are infused with keratin and micro conditioner to further enhance your hair color and shine. It has UV filters to protect your hair from its own as well as sun’s heat. Heat control sensors allow it to adjust temperature every time it comes in contact with your hair. This prevents damage caused by overheating. 

8. Best Hair Straightener for Travelers 

What do you expect from a travel friendly hair straightener? A compact size, a rechargeable battery. What if you are out in the wild with no access to a charger? 

We have found our perfect travel friendly straightener in the Travel Smart by Conair Thermacell Ceramic Straightener. You read it right – it is a butane gas powered device you can take anywhere in the world. It has ceramic coated plates that can heat up to 419 F. Each gas energy cell gives up to 4 hours of styling. 

It is compact, cordless, and comes with a protective shield. What else can you wish for! 

9. Best Hair Straightener for Curling 

If you need a straightener that can double as your curling iron, we would like to recommend the super sleek and stylish Furiden 2 in 1 Tourmaline Ceramic Flat Iron. It is a top rated iron for all hair types and versatile hairstyles. It has five different temperature settings up to 446 F. 

We love the cylindrical look. It looks chic and has a practical advantage for those who like to use it for curls and wave. The plates easily glide through the hair and prevent snagging. You get amazing results no matter the style you want to create. 

10. Best Budget-Friendly Hair Straightener 

You can easily find a hair straightener that is well under $30 but most of them fail to deliver any real value. You eventually have to throw them out and go for a higher end tool. Not if you buy the Remington Pearl Pro Ceramic Flat Iron in the first place. 

For the price, this one packs a lot of punches. First of all, the pearl infused plates ensure an amazing shine and smoother hair. It can heat up to 450°F while preventing heat damage. It heats up pretty quick and comes with a digital control panel. 


So, this was our list of top 10 hair straightener for 2019. Find the one that is best suited for your hair and enjoy sleek, shiny, and smoother straight hair every time. We hope you will find the top hair straighteners helpful.

Comment and like if you find this helpful.

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